Boards & Committees

Plymouth Congregational Church

Board of Trustees

Responsible for handling most of the financial aspects of operating the church, Trustees receive and count money and work with the treasurer. Trustees also oversee all physical aspects of a church property and buildings, and must be present to sign legal documents, such as mortgage or rental documents.

Monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm in the Church library.

Mission-Outreach Board

The Mission-Outreach Board strives to connect Plymouth’s resources and passion for loving service with places and people in need…be they near or far away. We invite the entire church family to join in sharing Christ’s love with our community and our world.

Endowment Committee

Provide financial support to the Church’s ministry which includes Community Outreach, Capital Improvements for the Church and UCC Programs. This assistance is above and beyond annual stewardship pledges.

Preserve the Endowment Fund capital while producing allocable earnings with conservative investments. Serve as a subcommittee to the Trustees.

Meets as necessary.

Diaconate Board

The three main responsibilities of the Diaconate Board are: worship, Fellowship, and membership. We maintain the schedule for Greeters, Liturgists and acolytes at all of our services and Advent Readers for the 4 weeks prior to Christmas. We thank all of those who served in any of these capacities. We provide and prepare the Communion elements for Communion Sundays. Thank you also, Betsy and Barbara for keeping the pews straightened up and replenishing, other needed supplies.

Monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am in the Church library.

Pastoral Relations Committee

The Pastoral Relations Committee works closely with congregants and our Pastor to insure quality communication between pastor and members. The Committee lends their wisdom to Steven and serves as a sounding board for new ideas, staffing, and pastoral support.

Meets as necessary.

Personnel Committee

Responsible for all issues regarding staff. Meets as necessary with Board Chairs or designees from the Diaconate, Trustees and Christian Education Boards to review and enforce required procedures and state employment requirements. Assist the Board Chairs with mentoring, supervising and reviewing the performance of the staff members for whom they are responsible. Review job descriptions and, when necessary, handle job postings, hiring and ending employment. Periodically review the Personnel Handbook and make revisions as needed.

The Boards mentor, supervise and review the following staff:
Diaconate: Bell Choir Director, Pianist/Music Director
Trustees: Financial Secretary
Christian Education: Children and Youth Director, Nursery Coordinator, Children & Worship Leader, Youth Teacher
Pastor: Administrative Assistant
(Note: The Pastoral Relations Committee supervises the Pastor)

Plymouth Ringers

Provide bell choir music during worship service ringing both the Prelude and the Anthem each 3rd Sunday of each month, except for the summer break in July and August.

Meets weekly for practice every Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall.

Music Ministry

Provides the music program every Sunday both vocally and instrumentally through weekly anthems by the Plymouth Congregational Church Singers (chancel choir), youth choir and piano accompaniment.

Brings additional music, such as annual Christmas Pageant.

Children & Youth

Work with, educate, and inspire children in the congregation to leave a lasting positive effect. Responsible for the Nursery for younger kids, Children and Worship class (K-2nd grade), Seasons class and Youth Group program for the older children every Sunday during. Also meets for frozen yogurt as a group once a month, and has monthly overnights and game nights after our Date Night events.

Open-hearted and justice-seeking, we treasure all the generations of the beloved children of God through our practice of hospitality, our nurture of community, our willingness to learn, and our joy in putting it all to good use through service for the church and the world.

Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!


We believe in the power of prayer, and our prayer team would be happy to pray for you.


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